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Les soins naturels que je vous propose ici, je les aies tous expérimentés.
Puis, je m'y suis formée pour pouvoir vous les proposer


Le soin prodigué par Christiane m'a plongé dans un voyage intérieur.

Durant ce moment magique, le temps s'arrête pour laisser place à l'essentiel,

son moi profond.


Dr Inigues G

Our cares

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plantar (MTC)

Plantar reflexology consists of pressing and massaging reflex zonesat very specific places on the feet in order to trigger beneficial reactions. 

The session restores the body's means of self-healing, of energy balance of the organs in a natural way and deep relaxation.

Mindfulness (MBSR)

The Mindfulness / Mindfulness session consists of learning to come back to the present moment. 

Learn to welcome everything that is there, in the present moment with kindness without judgment. 

The basis for becoming autonomous in one's well-being.

Tibetan bowl and
sound therapy

Listening to sounds and vibrations provides a soft and penetrating sensation having the particularity of releasing your stress almost instantly. 

The benefits of the Tibetan Bowl and other instruments do not stop there! vibration*allows the release of conscious or unconscious energy blockages. 

Sound therapy allows you to reach a modified state of consciousness, similar to that of meditation.

*only inface-to-face care

Head massage

Enjoy a head massage with 32 acupressure points!

This massage balances body and mind, releases blockages and has the effect of deep relaxation...

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